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Grey Elephant

As Europeans living in the US, they source beautiful hand-crafted clothes from boutiques in Spain, a country that is known for elegant styles and a commitment to quality fabrics. They work with designers across the country and follow three simple guiding values: style, strength and sustainability. 

Style for Grey Elephant is a focus on timeless designs that are simple and elegant. They step away from the bright colors and glitters you typically see on store shelves. 

Strength is important because they want their clothes to be a part of your memories, to pass down to your next child or even the next generation. That's why they've selected materials with Dralon fabrics which are made to be soft and warm but also durable, tear resistant, easy to clean and keep their original shape.

Sustainability is at their core which is why they use long lasting fabrics, and ship in biodegradable packaging and tissues. They're also committed to donating 1% of all profits to the WFFT elephant refuge and education center. After visiting WFFT, they were inspired to create the name Grey Elephant because elephants are incredibly caring and nurturing animals. They look at the elephant as a symbol of the loving relationship between parent and child. It's the important connection that’s built between all mothers and their children as they grow up and learn how to navigate the world. 


